Founded on the principles of sharing, we are a non-profit educational community dedicated to helping students overcome the financial and academic barriers to study abroad. In partnership with our member institutions, we are ale to connect students to high-quality, academic programs at more than 100 universities in 4 countries. Regardless of the academic major, socio-economic status or the geographic location, we believe that no one should be held back from being able to study abroad. Since our foundation, we have sent over 500 students abroad.
Through short-term visits to the chosen country, more than 400 international visitors have engaged with locals through our program. The majority of the exchanges include visits to four different communities over 3 weeks. Spending 3-5 days in each city. The goals are to share best practises in a particular focus area, provide participants a chance to connect with locals, and highlight the diversity of countries.
Dreaming of living the American Dream in America or perfecting your French in Paris? Our program will be right your alley. Matching you with a host family will allow you to understand cultural customs in a way that juast is not possible if you live alone or with other foreigners. If you want an intensive approach, the language immerrsion programs allow you to live with a private tutor. Depending on the structure you choose, you may be able to focus on taking classes, or you might be placed in a hands-on environment doing volunteer work with native speakers.